Camber at Locus

Svensk översättning


Database table road
Database variable name camber_at_locus
Introduction date 2011-10-01
Expiration date Still active

Short description

Locus road camber.


2 Positive
3 None
4 Negative
5 Complex
9999 Unknown


State the camber of the road at the accident locus.

Camber (also referred to as cross slope, cross fall or cant) is the slope of the road surface measured laterally from the outside edge (or kerb) toward the median line. Camber is positive if the slope rises away from the outside edge or kerb. Camber is negative if the slope falls away from the outside edge.

It is normal for the middle of straight or gently curving roads to be slightly higher than the edges so that rainwater will flow off the sides of the road. Such roads have positive camber on either side of the median line.

Short description

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