Reaction Level 30 Days

Svensk översättning

Road User

Database table Road_user
Database variable name Status30
Introduction date 2009-07-01
Expiration date Still active

Short description

Level of consciousness according to the Reaction Level Scale 1985 (RLS85), 30 days after the accident.


2 Dead
3 Alert, with no delay in response (responds without stimulus)
4 Drowsy
5 Confused, but responds to light stimulation
6 Very drowsy
7 Confused, but responds to strong stimulation
8 Unconscious, localizes (moves a hand towards) a painful stimulus but does not ward it off
9 Unconscious, makes withdrawing movements following a painful stimulus
10 Unconscious, stereotypic flexion movements following painful stimuli
11 Unconscious, stereotypic extension movements following painful stimuli
12 Unconscious, no response to painful stimuli
7777 Not Applicable
9999 Unknown


State the reaction level of the injured road user, 30 days after the accident.

Alert, with no delay in response (responds without stimulus)
Confused, but responds to light stimulation
Very drowsy
Confused, but responds to strong stimulation
Unconscious, localizes (moves a hand towards) a painful stimulus but does not ward it off
Unconscious, makes withdrawing movements following a painful stimulus
Unconscious, stereotypic flexion movements following painful stimuli
Unconscious, stereotypic extension movements following painful stimuli
Unconscious, no response to painful stimuli
Not Applicable

Short description

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