Pedestrian Crossing Facilities

Svensk översättning


Database table vulnerable_road_user
Database variable name Pedestrian_crossing_facilities
Introduction date 2009-07-01
Expiration date Still active

Short description

Type of pedestrian crossing.


2 None present
3 Desire line only
4 Crossing without markings
5 Marked pedestrian crossing without traffic signal
6 Marked pedestrian crossing with traffic signal
7 Pegasus Crossing
8 Pelicon Crossing
9 Puffin Crossing
9999 Unknown


State the type of pedestrian crossing facilities that exist at the accident site.

None present

There is no pedestrian crossing facility present.

Desire line only

There is no official pedestrian facility present but there is evidence (such as mud tracks) that the area is used by pedestrians.

Crossing without markings

A designed crossing for pedestrians that lacks road signs and road markings.

Marked pedestrian crossing without traffic signal

Any roadway infrastructure that spans the width of the roadway and has road signs and/or road markings, e.g. a Zebra crossing or a Pelican crossing and is not accompanied by traffic lights.

Marked pedestrian crossing with traffic signal

Any roadway infrastructure that spans the width of the roadway and has road signs and/or road markings, e.g. a Zebra crossing or a Pelican crossing and is accompanied by traffic lights.

Pegasus Crossing

A type of signalised pedestrian crossing with special consideration for horse riders.

Pelican Crossing

A type of pedestrian crossing featuring a pair of poles each with a standard set of traffic lights facing oncoming traffic, a push button and two illuminated, coloured men facing the pedestrian from across the road - a red, stationary man to indicate that it is not safe to cross, and a green, walking man to indicate that it is safe to do so.

Puffin Crossing

A type of pedestrian crossing (much like the Pelican Crossing) with lights controlling the pedestrians on the near side of the road, rather than on the opposite side.

The system also utilises sensors which detect the presence of pedestrians waiting at the crossing, and as they are crossing the road.


Short description

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