Right B-pillar Deformation - Truck

Svensk översättning


Database table truck_pillar_deformation
Database variable name truck_right_b_pillar
Introduction date 2009-07-01
Expiration date Still active

Short description

Exterior deformed in any direction.


2 None
3 Minor (0-2 cm)
4 Moderate (3-10 cm)
5 Major (More than 10 cm)
7777 Not Applicable
9999 Unknown


State any deformations to the right B-pillar, in any direction. If possible, use the opposing B-pillar for comparison (if deformed in more than one direction, enter the value of the largest deformation).

Minor (0-2 cm)
Moderate (3-10 cm)
Major (More than 10 cm)
Not Applicable

Short description

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