Xenon Lights - Bus

Svensk översättning


Database table Bus
Database variable name bus_xenon_lights
Introduction date 2009-07-01
Expiration date Still active

Short description

High Intensity Discharge (HID) Xenon lamps as headlights.


0 No
3 Yes, low beam only
4 Yes, high beam only
5 Yes, both high and low beam
6 Yes, not further specified
9999 Unknown


State whether the bus is equipped with xenon lights and specify either high-beam, low beam or both.

Look for high-voltage unit in rear part of headlamps, warning stickers are common.

Xenon lights should have convex lens in front, which might however occur on other lamps as well.

See the figure below for an example.

Yes, low beam only
Yes, high beam only
Yes, both high and low beam
Yes, no further specified

Short description

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