Tank Damage - PTW

Svensk översättning


Database table ptw
Database variable name ptw_tank_damage
Introduction date 2011-10-01
Expiration date Still active

Short description

PTW tank damage status.


2 None
3 Mild denting
4 Moderate denting
5 Severe denting
9999 Unknown


State the level of denting sustained to the PTW tank due to the accident.

(OECD RS9/TEG/ 151 definition)

Tank deformation is measured relative to the initial volume of the tank that has been compromised as a result of the accident.

The following guidelines shall be used to determine the appropriate tank deformation responses.

No tank deformation evident
Mild denting
The tank volume has been reduced to less than 100% but greater than 90% of its original volume

Figure 1: Example of mild tank denting.

Moderate denting
The tank volume has been reduced to less than 90% but greater than 60% of its original volume.
Severe denting
The tank volume has been reduced to less than 60% of its original volume.

Short description

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