Additional Seat Covers

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Additional Seat Covers

Vehicle seat covers or additional cushions.

Backrest Deformation - Car

Clearly noticeable deformation.

Backrest Position

Middle if not close to extreme positions only if not moved post-crash.

Belt Jammed

Belt webbing jammed.

Belt Malfunction

Seat belt or buckle damage/non-operational.

Belt movement through buckle

Belt movement indicated by friction marks on buckle.

Electric Adjustment System

Electrical adjustment of sitting position.

Element Id

Automatic entry.

Friction Marks on Belt Webbing

If seatbelt pretensioner was activated.

Load Limiter

System to limit forces of the seatbelt, indicated by code ā€œeā€.

Longitudinal Seat Position - Car

Front, middle or rear.

Neck Restraint

Seat car neck restraint status.

Neck Restraint Position

Middle if not in upper or lower extreme positions.

Pretensioner Activated

Seatbelt pretensioner activation status.

Pretensioner Type

Presence and type of pretensioner.

Seat Belt Code

According to belt marking.

Seat Belt Type

Determined by number of belt attachments.

Seat Covers

Seat cover material type.

Seat ID

Automatic entry.

Seat Position

Vehicle seat row and number position.

Seat Separated From Floor

If partly or entirely separated from floor.

Seating Direction - Car

Direction the seat is facing.

Signs of Seat Belt Usage

Signs in vehicle indicating seat belt usage.

Upper Attachment Type

If upper belt attachment present

Upper Belt Attachment

Upper belt attachment location.

Whiplash Protection

E.g. SAHR, WHIPS, Folksam

WHIPS Measurement

Backrest reclining distance (mm).

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