Accessories/Infotainment - Bus

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Accessories/Infotainment - Bus

Bus interior accessory equipment.

Acid - Bus

Evident bus acid leakage resulting from accident.

Active Brake Lights - Bus

Brake lights with variable intensity.

Alcolock - Bus

System designed to deter drunk driving.

Alternative Fuel Type - Bus

According to certificate of registration.

Articulated Bus

Bus with the front and rear sections connected through an accordion joint.

Automatic Fire Extinguisher in Engine Compartment - Bus

Automatic fire extinguisher equipment status.

Back-up Alarm - Bus

Exterior sound or flash as warning to other road users when reversing.

Back-up Assistant - Bus

Bus reversing system.

Battery Attachment - Bus

Loose if separated at any attachment.

Battery Damage - Bus

Damage on battery and its electrical connections.

Brake Fluid - Bus

If proven leakage.

Brake System - Bus

According to manufacturer's specification, inspection or owner.

Brakes Damaged - Bus

Visible damage.

Bus Deformation Classification 1,2

Force direction in clock system according to SAE J224.

Bus Deformation Classification 3

Impact area, for side deformation use longitudinal areas, for front deformation use lateral area according to SAE J224.

Bus Deformation Classification 4

Impact area, for side deformation use longitudinal areas, for front deformation use lateral area according to SAE J224.

Bus Deformation Classification 4e

Rail areas and front and rear passenger compartment.

Bus Deformation Classification 5

Vertical impact area.

Bus Deformation Classification 6

Type of damage distribution: wide or narrow impact area, sideswipe, rollover, etc. according to SAE J224.

Bus Deformation Classification 7

Crush depth zone according to SAE J224.

Bus ID

Automatic entry.

Bus Length

Overall length excluding trailer and connection bar (mm).

Bus Use

Main bus function.

Bus Width

Maximum width excluding exterior mirrors (in mm).

Colour - Bus

According to visual inspection or vehicle registration.

Cooling Liquid - Bus

Evident bus coolant leakage resulting from accident.

Country of Registration - Bus

According to registration plates on truck (not trailer).

Cruise Control - Bus

System to maintain selected speed.

Damage to Steering System - Bus

Damage that might have caused the accident.

Door Function - Bus

Level of functionality.

Drive of Vehicle - Bus

Steering wheel location.

Driverside Footwell Area Longitudinal Deformation - Bus

Footwell damage status.

Electronic Stability Control - Bus

System to enhance driving stability.

Element ID

Automatic entry.

Emergency Exit in Roof Hatch - Bus

Roof exit status and usage.

Emergency Exit Window Damaged Left - Bus

Specify the cause of damage.

Emergency Exit Window Damaged Right - Bus

Specify the cause of damage.

Emergency Exit Window Left - Bus

Left exit window status.

Emergency Exit Window Right - Bus

Right exit window status.

Engine Oil - Bus

Evident bus engine oil leakage resulting from accident.

Engine Power - Bus

Car engine power (kW).

Fire - Bus

Post-crash, accident related bus fire with flames.

Fire Extinguisher Inside Bus

Bus fire extinguisher status.

Fire Start Location - Bus

Originating source location of bus fire.

Forward Collision Warning - Bus

System to alert driver when approaching objects in front of bus.

Frame Damage - Bus

Visible damage.

Front Axle Displacement - Bus

Longitudinal displacement.

Front Mirror - Bus

Front mirror equipment status.

Front Roof Header Deformation - Bus

Automatic entry.

Fuel Pipes - Bus

Damage to fuel pipes.

Fuel Type - Bus

According to certificate of registration.

Fueltanks - Bus

Visible damage to fueltanks.

Gas Fuel - Bus

Evident bus fuel (gaseous) leakage resulting from accident.

Gearbox Oil - Bus

Evident bus gearbox oil leakage resulting from accident.

Gearbox Type - Bus

According to vehicle registration or visual inspection.

GPS - Bus

Bus GPS navigation equipment status.

Gross Weight - Bus

As according to certificate of registration.

Hybrid - Bus

Vehicle with two distinct power sources.

Impairment Warning - Bus

Detection system (e.g. drowsy and distracted drivers).

Kerb Weight - Bus

Accordning to certificate of registration.

Laminated Side Windows Damaged Left - Bus

Bus window damage.

Laminated Side Windows Damaged Right - Bus

Bus window damage.

Lane Departure Warning - Bus

System to support lane keeping.

Left A-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left B-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left C-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left D-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left E-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left F-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left G-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left H-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Left Side Dashpanel Intrusion - Bus

Maximum intrusion.

Liquid Fuel - Bus

Evident bus liquid fuel leakage resulting from accident.

Main Mirror Driver Side - Bus

Mirror equipment status.

Main Mirror Passenger Side - Bus

Mirror equipment status.

Make - Bus

According to certificate of registration.

Marks From Extrication - Bus

Marks clearly caused by post-crash activities.

Model - Bus

Model name according to list.

Model Year - Bus

According to certificate of registration.

No Airbag - Bus

No airbag(s) equipped at the time of accident.

Number of Axles - Bus

According to vehicle registration or visual inspection.

Number of Crash Events - Bus

Total number of crash events involving a bus.

Number of Investigated Seats - Bus

Indicate the number of investigated seats.

Number of Occupants - Bus

Number of occupants in bus at time of accident.

Number of Side Doors - Bus

Side doors used for entering/exiting the vehicle.

Number of Side Windows Left - Bus

Total number of left side windows.

Number of Side Windows Right - Bus

Total number of right side windows.

Number of Sitting Occupants Allowed - Bus

According to vehicle registration.

Number of Standing Occupants Allowed - Bus

According to vehicle registration.

Observation Id

Automatic entry.

Other Liquid - Bus

Evident other liquid leakage resulting from accident.

Pillar Deformations - Bus

Was any of the pillars deformated due to the accident?

Power Steering Oil - Bus

Evident bus power steering oil leakage resulting from accident.

Rear Camera - Bus

Extra equipment to improve visibility rear of vehicle, for e.g. reversing.

Registration Number - Bus

As marked on registration plate.

Retarder - Bus

Augmented braking system.

Right A-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Right B-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Right C-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Right D-pillar - Bus

Deformed in any direction.

Right E-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Right F-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Right G-pillar - Bus

Maximum deformation in any direction.

Right H-pillar - Bus

Deformed in any direction.

Right Side Dashpanel Intrusion - Bus

Maximum intrusion.

Roof Deformation - Bus

Maximum bus roof deformation.

Roof Deformation Between A-B-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Deformation Between B-C-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Deformation Between C-D-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Deformation Between D-E-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Deformation Between E-F-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Deformation Between F-G-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Deformation Between G-H-pillar - Bus

Exterior deformed in any direction.

Roof Hatch - Bus

Hatch of glass or metal.

Roof Hatch Condition - Bus

Level of damage, if applicable.

Steering on Any Rear Axle - Bus

Rear turning wheels status.

Steering Wheel Deformation - Bus

Steering wheel damage due to the accident.

Steering Wheel Out of Postition - Bus

Before extrication by rescue service.

Towing Vehicle - Bus

If towing at the time of the accident

Traction Control System - Bus

System to enhance road grip.

Vehicle Identification Number - Bus

Unique alphanumeric code given for each vehicle.

Weight at Accident, Total Combination - Bus

According to documentation or transport company (in kg).

Wheelchair/Baby Carriage Fastening - Bus

Equipment to secure wheelchairs/baby carriages.

Wheelchair/Baby Carriage Fastening Function - Bus

Equipment functionality.

Wide Angle Mirror Driver Side - Bus

Exterior mirror for back of bus wide view.

Wide Angle Mirror Passenger Side - Bus

Exterior passenger side mirror for back of bus wide view.

Windscreen Bonded - Bus

Bus windshield securement status.

Windscreen Damaged - Bus

Visible damage to windscreen.

Windscreen Washer Fluid - Bus

Evident bus windscreen washer fluid leakage.

Xenon lights - Bus

High Intensity Discharge (HID) Xenon lamps as headlights.

Year and Month of Manufacture - Bus

According to certificate of registration when available.

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