Time, maximum longitudinal delta–V [s]

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Time, maximum longitudinal delta–V [s]

Event Data Recorder maximum delta V.

ABS activity (engaged, non-engaged)

-8.0 to 0 sec

Airbag deployment time, driver [s]

Frontal airbag deployment, time to deploy, in the case of a single stage airbag, or time to first stage deployment, in the case of a multi-stage airbag, driver [s]

Airbag deployment time, right front passenger [s]

Frontal airbag deployment, time to deploy, in the case of a single stage air bag, or time to first stage deployment, in the case of a multi-stage airbag, right front passenger [s]

Approach Angle

Angle between velocities of vehicles in motion measured counterclockwise from from the vehicle of interest.

Approach Direction Pedestrian

Pedestrian approach direction from the perspective of the vehicle.

Body Region

Pedestrians body part that contacted vehicle.

Brake Distance Before Impact

Length of the brake distance previous to the impact (in m).

C1 [mm]

The first of six segments (along the damage width) indicating deformation-depth (in mm).

C2 [mm]

The second of six segments (along the damage width) indicating deformation-depth (in mm).

C3 [mm]

The third of six segments (along the damage width) indicating deformation-depth (in mm).

C4 [mm]

The fourth of six segments (along the damage width) indicating deformation-depth (in mm).

C5 [mm]

The fifth of six segments (along the damage width) indicating deformation-depth (in mm).

C6 [mm]

The sixth of six segments (along the damage width) indicating deformation-depth (in mm).


Force direction in clock system according to SAE J224.


Impact area, for side deformation use longitudinal areas, for front deformation use lateral area according to SAE J224.


Impact area, for side deformation use longitudinal areas, for front deformation use lateral area according to SAE J224.


Spilt of CDC 4 into longitudinal rail areas and front and rear passenger compartment.


Vertical impact area.


Type of damage distribution: Coding of wide or narrow impact area, sideswipe, rollover, etc. according to SAE J224.


Crush depth zone according to SAE J224.

Clutch - EDR

Event Data Recorder clutch output.

Coefficient of restitution

Measure of energy loss; expressed by the ratio of separation speed and closing speed between the collsion partners.

Collision Angle

Angle from the longitudinal axis of the concerned vehicle to the longitudinal axis of the collision partner according to the SAE system. Anticlockwise directions are coded as postive.

Collision Object ID

Automatic entry.

Collision Partner Event Number

Automatic entry.

Collision Partner ID

Automatic value.

Collision speed [km/h]

Immediate pre-impact speed

Complete file recorded (yes,no)

Following other data.

CS source

Statement about the origin of the collision speed

CS tolerance range [km/h]

+ / - tolerance of the coded collision speed

Delta omega (DO) [rad/s]

Change in rotational velocity

Delta V (DV) total [km/h]

Change of velocity: Post crash velocity minus pre crash velocity. NB: velocity is a vector!

Delta-V, longitudinal

Speed at which the same amount of deformation energy is dissipated.

Delta-V, longitudinal [km/h]

-0.1 to 0.5 sec

Delta–V, lateral [m/s] -0.1 to 0.5 sec
Distance from center of gravity [mm]

Location of midpoint of damaged region with respect to the vehicles center of gravity.

Distance from the vehicle front [mm]

To be filled in for side impacts impacts

DO source

Statement about the origin of the Delta Omega

DO tolerance range [rad/s]

+ / - tolerance of the Delta Omega

DV lateral [km/h]

Component of Delta V in lateral direction. Sign does matter.

DV longitudinal [km/h]

Component of Delta V in longitudinal direction. Sign does matter.

DV source

Statement about the origin of the Delta V.

DV tolerance range [km/h]

+ / - tolerance of the Delta V.


Automatic entry.


Speed at which the same amount of deformation energy is dissipated.

EES source [km/h]

Statement about the origin of the energy equivalent speed

EES tolerance range [km/h]

'+ / - tolerance of the Energy Equivalent Speed

Element ID

Automatic entry.

Element ID

Automatic entry.

Engine RPM [rpm]

Event Data Recorder rpm.

Engine throttle or accelarator pedal, % full [%]

-8.0 to 0 sec

Event Distance

Distance traveled between event initiation and next event (in m).

Event ID

Automatic entry.

Event ID

Automatic entry.

Event Time

Time between start of event and start of next event (in s).

Event Type

Ad the events that occured once for every time they occured.

Frontal Airbag Deployment, nth Stage Disposal, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder frontal driver airbag deployment (nth stage) output.

Frontal Airbag Deployment, nth Stage Disposal, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder frontal airbag deployment (nth stage) output.

Frontal Airbag Deployment, Time to nth Stage, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder frontal driver airbag deployment time (nth stage) output.

Frontal Airbag Deployment, Time to nth Stage, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder frontal airbag deployment (nth stage) output.

Frontal Airbag Suppression - EDR

-1.0 sec

Frontal airbag warning lamp, on/off

-1.0 sec

Headlights - EDR

Event Data Recorder headlights output.

Horn - EDR

Event Data Recorder horn output.

Ignition cycle crash

-1.0 sec

Ignition cycle download

At time of download

Impact ID

Automatic entry.

Impact ID

Automatic entry.

Impact ID

Automatic entry.

Initial Rollover Direction

Direction toward which the rollover was initiated.

Initial Speed (IS)

For the first impact the initial speed is equivalent to the travel speed (in km/h).

Initiation of Rollover Event

Description of how rollover was initiated.

IS source

Statement about the origin of the initial speed.

IS tolerance range [km/h]

+ / - tolerance of the coded initial speed

Lateral acceleration [m/s2]

-0.1 to 0.5 sec

Length of Deformation

Length of damaged region (direct and indirect damage - in mm).

Longitudinal acceleration [m/s2]

-0.1 to 0.5 sec

Maximum deformation [mm]

Maximum deformation depth in damaged region.

Maximum delta–V, lateral [m/s]

Computed after event.

Maximum delta–V, longitudinal [km/h]

Computed after event.

Mean Acceleration Before Impact

Average acceleration of the vehicle previous to the impact (in m/s2).

Multi-event, number of events (1, 2)


Normal acceleration [m/s2] -0.1 to 0.5 sec
Number of Lateral Rolls

Number of longitudinal vehicular quarter rolls.

Number of Longitudinal Rolls

number of longitudinal vehicular quarter rolls.

Occupant Position Classification, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder driver positioning output.

Occupant Position Classification, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder passenger positioning output.

Occupant Size Classification, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder driver size output.

Occupant Size Classification, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder passenger size classification output.

Occurred During Rollover

Accident event occurred during a rollover.

Omega [rad/s]

Post-impact rotational velocity

Overlap [%]

Percentage of deformed area in direct contact with the collision opponent.


Direction of the resulting force vector. This direction is identical with the resulting momentum (v*m).


The Vulnerable Road User Principal Direction Of Force is the resulting force vector to pedestrian.

Pedestrian Contact ID

Automatic entry.

Pedestrian Impact ID

Automatic entry.

Pedestrian Impact ID

Automatic entry.

Pedestrian Speed

Pre-Impact speed of the pedestrian

Pedestrian Speed Description

Description of the pedestrian movement and positioning.

Pedestrian Throw Distance

Distance between the collision point and the end position of the pedestrian (in m).

Pre-Crash Yawing - EDR

Event Data Recorder yaw rate output.

Pretensioner Deployment, Time to Fire, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder driver pretensioner deployment output.

Pretensioner Deployment, Time to Fire, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder passenger pretensioner output.

PS Tolerance Range

+ / - tolerance of the coded initial speed [km/h].

Relative impact severity

Event ranking from highest to lowest Delta V.

Relative Impact Severity for the Pedestrian

Event ranking from highest to lowest vehicle collision speed

Rollover Causing Event

Event that led to rollover.

Rollover Type

Rollover description according to NASS

ROS source

Statement about the origin of the run out speed

ROS tolerance range [km/h]

+ / - tolerance of the run out speed

Run out speed (ROS) [km/h]

Immediate post-impact speed

Safety belt status, driver

-1.0 sec

Safety Belt Status, Right Front

-8.0 to 0 sec

Seat Track Position Switch, Foremost, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder passenger seat track output.

Seat Track Position Switch, Foremost, Status, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder driver seat track output.

Service brake, on/off

-8.0 to 0 sec

Side Airbag Deployment, Time to Deploy, Driver - EDR

Event Data Recorder side airbag deployment time output.

Side Airbag Deployment, Time to Deploy, Right Front Passenger - EDR

Event Data Recorder side airbag deployment time output.

Side Curtain/Tube Air Bag Deployment, Time to Deploy, Driver Side - EDR

Event Data Recorder driver airbag deployment time output.

Side Curtain/Tube Airbag Deployment, Time to Deploy, Right Side - EDR

Event Data Recorder side airbag deployment time output.

Slip angle

Angle from the longitudinal axis to the direction of motion according to SAE coordinates. counterclockwise angles are positive.

Source for PDOF

Statement about the origin of the PDOF

Speed, vehicle [km/h]

-8.0 to 0 sec

Stability Control

-8.0 to 0 sec


Steering action previous to the impact.

Steering Input

-8.0 to 0 sec

Stiffness category [mm]

Stiffness group according to General Vehicle Form in Crash3 / Smash

Time from event 1 to 2 [s]

As needed.

Time, maximum delta–V, lateral [s]

Event Data Recorder maximum delta V lateral.

Time, maximum delta–V, resultant [s]

Event Data Recorder maximum delta V resultant.

Turning Indicator - EDR

Event Data Recorder turning indicator output.

Vehicle Area Description - Car

Zone of pedestrian contact

Vehicle energy absorption [kJ]

Energy absorbed by the vehicle due to deformation in the impact

Vehicle roll angle [deg]

-1.0 to 6.0 sec

Wrap Around Distance

Measurement along the vehicle outer structure from ground to the pedestrian contact point [mm].


Horizontal distance between vehicle front and pedestrian contact point [mm].


Horizontal distance between vehicle mid axis and pedestrian contact point.


Vertical distance between ground and pedestrian contact point [mm].

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