ABS Details - PTW

<< | PTW | >>

ABS Details - PTW

PTW ABS operational status.

ABS Fitted - PTW

PTW ABS status.

Adaptive Headlight Fitted - PTW

PTW adaptive headlights status.

Airbag Equipped - PTW

PTW airbag deployment status.

Airbag Equipped Clothing - PTW

PTW road user clothing airbags status.

Anti-Dive Suspension Fitted - PTW

PTW anti-dive suspension equipment status.

Anti-Fogging - PTW

Description of the anti-fogging system/solution of the PTW helmet.

Automatic Headlights On (AHO) Equipped - PTW

PTW automatic headlights equipment and operational status.

Auxiliary Equipment in Use by Rider - PTW

PTW driver communication/navigation equipment.

Back Protector - PTW

PTW road user back protector status.

Bicycle Type - PTW & Bicycle

Bicycle type involved in the accident.

Boots with Shin Protectors - PTW

PTW boot shin protector status.

Brake Lever - PTW

PTW brake lever status

Brake Light - PTW

PTW brake light equipment and operational status.

Brake Pedal Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW brake pedal damage status.

Centre Stand - PTW

PTW centre stand status.

Chain Condition - PTW

Condition of PTW chain.

Chain Travel - PTW

PTW Chain travel measured length.

Chest Protector - PTW

Status of PTW occupant chest protector.

Clutch Lever - PTW

PTW clutch lever status.

Coating or Decals - PTW

Describe the coating or decals of the PTW helmet visor (i.e. stickers).

Colour - PTW

The color of the PTW.

Condition of Vehicle - PTW & Bicycle

Overall PTW or Bicycle condition.

Cruise Control Fitted - PTW

PTW cruise control status.

Damper Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW damper damage status.

Daytime Running Lights (DRL) Equipped - PTW

PTW Daytime Running Lamp (DRL) operational status.

Dedicated Footwear - PTW

Specifically designed PTW occupant footwear status.

Dedicated Gloves - PTW

Specifically designed PTW occupant glove status.

Dedicated Lower Body Clothing - PTW

Specifically designed PTW occupant lower extremity status.

Dedicated Upper Body Clothing - PTW

Specifically designed PTW occupant upper extremity wear status.

Did a Fire Occur - PTW

PTW fire status.

Did the Gloves Have Knuckle Protectors - PTW

PTW occupant glove knuckle protector status.

Did the Rider Clothing Contain Armour (PPE) - PTW

PTW PPE armour status.

Did the Trousers Have Built In Shin Protectors - PTW

PTW road user lower extremity apparel status.

Drive Train Status - PTW

PTW drive train condition.

Drive Train Type - PTW

PTW drive train type.

Evidence of Front Wheel Braking - PTW

PTW front wheel braking evidence.

Evidence of Rear Wheel Braking - PTW

PTW front wheel braking evidence.

Exterior Damage to Helmet - PTW & Bicycle

Describe any PTW & Bicycle helmet damage.

Fairing Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW fairing damage status.

Footpegs - PTW

PTW footpeg status.

Fork Mountings Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW fork mountings damage status.

Forks Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW forks damage status.

Frame Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW frame damage status.

Front Axle Security - PTW

PTW front axle status.

Front Brake - PTW & Bicycle

PTW & Bicycle front brake status.

Front Brake Adjustment - PTW

PTW front brake adjustment status.

Front Brake Material Condition - PTW

PTW front brake condition.

Front Brake Mechanism - PTW

PTW front brake mechanism type.

Front Brake Mechanism Actuation - PTW

PTW front brake mechanism status.

Front Brake Mechanism Servo Assisted - PTW

PTW front brak servo equipment status.

Front Crash Bars - PTW

PTW front crash bars status.

Front Crash Bars Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW front crash bars damage status.

Front Indicators - PTW

PTW front indicator type and operational status.

Front Mudguard Extender - PTW

PTW front mudguard status.

Front Off Rim - PTW

PTW front tyre removal status.

Front Sprocket Condition - PTW

PTW front sprocket evaluation.

Front Suspension - PTW

PTW front suspension equipment source.

Front Suspension Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW front suspension damage status.

Front Tread Depth - PTW

PTW front tyre tread depth.

Front Tyre Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW front tyre damage status.

Front Tyre Make - PTW

PTW tyre manufacturer.

Front Tyre Pressure as Found - PTW

PTW front tyre pressure.

Front Tyre Size - PTW

PTW front tyre size.

Front Tyre Type - PTW

PTW front tyre tread type.

Front Wheel Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW front wheel (rim) damage status.

Grab Handles or Hand Holds - PTW

PTW rider handles equipment status.

Handle Bars - PTW

PTW handle bar equipment and operational status.

Handlebars Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW handlebars damage status.

Headlights - PTW & Bicycle

PTW & Bicycle headlights and their use.

Helmet ACU/BMS Gold Sticker Approved - PTW

ACU/BMS PTW helmet approval status.

Helmet Approved to National Standards - PTW

PTW helmet approval status.

Helmet CE Approved - PTW

PTW helmet approval status.

Helmet Chin Strap Damage - PTW

PTW and bicycle road user helment chin strap damage.

Helmet Examined - PTW

PTW helmet examination status.

Helmet Fit - PTW

PTW road user helmet fit.

Helmet Make - PTW

PTW helmet make.

Helmet Make Code - PTW

PTW helmet code.

Helmet Model - PTW

PTW helmet model type.

Helmet Owned By - PTW

PTW helmet owner.

Helmet Owned From New - PTW

Original PTW helmet owner status.

Helmet Size - PTW

The size of the PTW helmet according to the international standards.

Helmet Stayed On - PTW

PTW road user helmet status.

Helmet Sustained Previous Knocks - PTW

Pre-accident PTW helmet damage.

Helmet Type - PTW

PTW road user helmet type.

Helmet Used - PTW

PTW road user helmet status.

Highway Footrests - PTW

PTW highway footrests equipment and operational status.

Hugger - PTW

PTW hugger status.

Left Mirror - PTW

PTW left mirror status.

Left Mirror Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW left mirror damage status.

Left Mirror Operational - PTW

PTW left mirror operational status.

Length of Skid Mark Before Impact Front Wheel - PTW

PTW front wheel skid mark length.

Length of Skid Mark Before Impact Rear Wheel - PTW

PTW rear wheel skid mark length.

Linked Brakes - PTW

PTW linked brake status.

Make - PTW

PTW manufacturer name.

Maximum Force Contact Point/Area - PTW & Bicycle Helmet

PTW & Bicycle helmet maximum contact area.

Mechanical Problem Source - PTW

PTW mechanical failure source.

Mechanical Problem Symptom - PTW

PTW mechanical failure symptom.

Model - PTW

PTW model type.

Motor Displacement - PTW

Vehicular piston sweep volume.

Motor Power Enhancement - PTW

PTW motor power enhancement status.

Motorcycle Odometer Reading - PTW

Vehicular mileage as displayed on the odometer.

Motorcycle Side Car - PTW

Status of PTW side car.

Motorcycle Type - PTW

Motorcycle type (e.g. tourer, off-road, scooter).

Neck Protector - PTW

PTW road user neck protector status.

Panniers or Saddle Bags Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW saddle bag damage status.

Rear Axle Security - PTW

PTW rear axle securement status.

Rear Brake - PTW

PTW rear brake status.

Rear Brake Adjustment - PTW

PTW front brake adjustment status.

Rear Brake Material Condition - PTW

PTW rear brake condition.

Rear Brake Mechanism - PTW

PTW rear brake mechanism type.

Rear Brake Mechanism Actuation - PTW

PTW rear brake actuation status.

Rear Brake Mechanism Servo Assisted - PTW
Rear Brake Pedal Modified - PTW

PTW rear brake pedal adjustment status.

Rear Crash Bars - PTW

PTW rear crash bars status.

Rear Crash Bars Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW rear crash bars damage status.

Rear Indicators - PTW

PTW rear indicator type and operational status.

Rear Position Light - PTW & Bicycle

PTW or Bicycle rear position light and operational status.

Rear Pressure as Found - PTW

PWT rear tyre pressure.

Rear Sprocket Condition - PTW

PTW rear sprocket evaluation.

Rear Suspension - PTW

PTW suspension original or aftermarket.

Rear Suspension Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW rear suspension damage status.

Rear Tyre Condition - PTW

The rear PTW tyre condition, pre-accident.

Rear Tyre Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW rear tyre damage.

Rear Tyre Make - PTW

PTW rear tyre make.

Rear Tyre Off Rim - PTW

PTW rear tyre removal status.

Rear Tyre Size - PTW

PTW rear tyre size.

Rear Tyre Tread Depth - PTW

PTW rear tyre tread depth.

Rear Tyre Type - PTW

PTW rear tyre tread type.

Rear Wheel Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW rear wheel damage.

Reflective Clothing - PTW & Bicycle

PTW & Bicycle reflective apparel status.

Registration Type - PTW

PTW vehicle registration.

Rider Wearing Photochromic Sunglasses - PTW

PTW photochromic sunglasses status.

Right Mirror Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW right side mirror damage status.

Right Mirror Operational - PTW

PTW right mirror operational status.

Right Side Mirror - PTW

PTW right mirror status.

Seat - PTW

PTW seat status.

Side Car Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW side car damage status.

Side Stand - PTW

PTW side stand status.

Side Stand Interlock - PTW

PTW side stand interlock equipment and operational status.

Steering Damper Fitted - PTW

PTW steering stabiliser status.

Steering Stem Adjustment - PTW

PTW steering stem adjustment level.

Strap On Armour - PTW

PTW road user strap on armour equipment status.

Swing Arm Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW swing arm damage status.

Tank Damage - PTW

PTW tank damage status.

TCS/ESP Equipped - PTW

PTW traction control equipment and operational status.

Throttle Cables - PTW

PTW throttle cable condition.

Throttle Condition - PTW

PTW throttle wear.

Tint - PTW

PTW helmet degree of tint.

TPMS Equipped - PTW

PTW Tire Pressure Monitoring System status.

Trailer Present - PTW & Bicycle

PTW or Bicycle trailer status at the time of the accident.

Variant - PTW

The variant or class of the PTW model.

Visor - PTW

PTW helmet visor status.

Visor Colour - PTW

PTW helmet visor colour.

Visor Condition - PTW

PTW helmet visor condition.

Visor Marked "For Day Time Use Only" - PTW

PTW helmet visor usage status.

Was Bike Overloaded With Luggage - PTW

PTW luggage load status.

Was the PPE Fitted Correctly and Worn in the Correct Place - PTW

PTW PPE fit status.

Was There a Fuel Tank or Fuel Line Failure - PTW

PTW fuel tank or fuel line failure status.

Were Luggage Fittings Secure - PTW

PTW luggage securement status.

Were the Front Brakes Operational Before the Accident - PTW

Pre-accident PTW front brake operational status.

Were the Rear Brakes Operational Before the Accident - PTW

Pre-accident PTW rear brake operational status.

Wheel Position - PTW

PTW wheel positioning.

Windscreen - PTW

PTW windscreen status.

Windscreen Damaged in Crash - PTW

PTW windscreen damage status.

Year of Helmet Manufacture - PTW

PTW helmet manufacture year.

Year of Manufacture - PTW

PTW production year.

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