AADT Level of Confidence
<< Accident | Variables | RoadUser >>
AADT Level of Confidence |
Level of confidence for the average annual daily traffic. |
AADT Level of Confidence - Truck |
Level of confidence for the AADT for trucks. |
Animal Type |
Type of collision object animal. |
Animal Weight |
The weight of the collision object animal [kg]. |
Average Annual Daily Traffic |
Average annual daily traffic (AADT). |
Average Annual Daily Traffic - Truck |
Average Annual Daily Traffic for trucks. |
Average Speed on Road for Cars (Day) |
Average actual daytime car road speed (km/h). |
Average Speed on Road for Cars (Night) |
Car night time average speed (km/h). |
Barrier Capacity Class |
The capacity class of the barrier. |
Barrier Clearance |
Distance from barrier to road side object. |
Barrier Contact Length |
The length where the vehcile has been in direct contact with the barrier. |
Barrier Deformation Height |
Height of deformation [m]. |
Barrier Deformation Length |
Length of deformation [m]. |
Barrier Height |
The height of the barrier measured from the roadway. |
Barrier Impacted |
Automatic entry. |
Barrier Maximal Deformation |
Maximal deformation [m]. |
Barrier Name |
Name of barrier. |
Barrier Positioning |
Location of road barrier. |
Barrier Screw Dimension |
Barrier screw diameter. |
Barrier Screw Quality |
The steel quality of the barrier screws. |
Barrier Working Width |
The working width of the barrier. |
Bend Direction at Locus |
Road curve direction at point of accident. |
Bicycle Lane - Roadway Separation Width [m] |
The distance between edge of roadway an the bicycle lane (m). |
C-C Length |
Barrier C-C length [m]. |
Camber at Locus |
Locus road camber. |
Collision Object |
Collision object in roadside. |
Collision Object ID |
Primary key or part of primary key. |
Construction/Maintenance Zone |
An existing construction/maintenance zone (before, at or after the accident site). |
Control of Traffic Control Plan |
Traffic control plan review and approval status. |
Curve Radius [m] |
The road curve radius. |
Cycle Crossing Facilities |
Cycle crossing facilities existent at accident site. |
Design Order - Road | |
Distance From Road Edge |
Measured from the edge of the roadway to the object. |
Distance to Rigid Object |
The distance between the edge of the road to the first object in the roadside > 10 cm. |
Ditch Depth |
The depth of the ditch. |
Ditch Depth Towards the Back Slope |
The depth of the ditch towards the back slope. |
Drop-Off Height |
The height of the drop-off is the difference in height between the support strip and the hard shoulder. |
Element Length |
Barrier element length [m]. |
Element Width |
Barrier element width [m]. |
EuroRAP Star Rating Date |
The date of the rating. |
EuroRAP Stars |
Number of EuroRAP stars. |
Horizontal Geometry at Locus |
Locus horizontal geometry. |
Horizontal Geometry Before Locus |
Pre-locus horizontal geometry. |
Horizontal Geometry Beyond Locus |
Post-locus horizontal geometry. |
Junction Travel Direction |
Travel direction in junction. |
Kerb Height |
Height of the kerb. |
Lane Cross Fall |
Describes carriageway lean across the direction of travel. |
Lane Cross Fall According to Inspector |
Describes carriageway lean across the direction of travel, according to the inspector. |
Lane ID |
Automatic value. |
Location of the Curve |
Road curve location. |
Macroscopic Road Surface Condition |
Description of macroscopic structure as a whole. |
Main Cause of Blind |
Vision impairment source. |
Maintained Marking |
The condition and state of maintenance of the road markings. |
Material in Slope |
Slope material type. |
Material Stiffness |
The stiffness of the material in the slope. |
Measuring Year |
The year the Average Annual Daily Traffic was measured. |
Microscopic Road Surface Condition |
Road surface condition description. |
Original Speed Limit |
The speed limit shown on permanent roadway signs. |
Pedestrian Crossing Facilities |
Type of pedestrian crossing. |
Period when Measured (End) |
End date for traffic measurements. |
Period when Measured (Start) |
Start date for traffic measurements. |
Recommended Speed Limit |
Recommended speed limit (km/h). |
Reduced View in Road Side |
Reduced view in the road side. |
Restricted Sightline, Along Path |
Any obtrusions to road user vision, along path. |
Restricted Sightline, Left (Intersection) |
Any obtrusions to road user vision, left (intersection). |
Restricted Sightline, Right (Intersection) |
Any obtrusions to road user vision, right (intersection). |
Restrictions in Passing or Overtaking |
Restriction in passing/overtaking. |
Road Administrator |
The owner of the road who administrates and maintains it. |
Road Component ID |
Automatic entry. |
Road Component Sub Type |
Existing road features. |
Road Component Type |
Road area type (median, lane, etc.). |
Road Component Width |
Width measurement of road component. |
Road Condition |
Prevailing road conditions. |
Road Friction Coefficient - Measured Value |
Road friction coefficient. |
Road Friction Coefficient - Table Value |
Road friction coefficient (table value). |
Road Gradient [%] |
Inclination of the road, longitudinally (%). |
Road ID |
Unique ID for the road. |
Road Label |
A label to differentiate between different roads in the same accident. |
Road Name |
The name of the road. |
Road Network Classification |
Road classification. |
Road Number |
The alphanumeric road identifier (i.e. E6, E6.21, lv540, etc.). |
Road Surface Contaminants |
Road surface contaminants. Dropped from vechicles or natural. |
Road Surface Temperature |
Roadway temperatrure measurement. |
Road Type |
The type of road. |
Roadside Barrier Set Back |
The distance between the carriageway edge line to the barrier. |
Roadside ID |
Primary key or part of primary key. |
Roadway Surface Type |
Type of surface on the roadway. |
Roadway Width [m] |
The edge to edge width of the road. |
Roundabout Type |
The structure of the existing roadway roundabout. |
Separation Strip Material |
The material that the separation strip is made of. |
Separation Strip Type |
Type of separation strip between roadway and bicycle lane. |
Sight Restrictions Contributed to the Accident |
Determine if a vision obtrusion contributing factor. |
Signage Contribute to Accident |
Road signage affecting accident. |
Single Object Deformable |
Collision object derformability. |
Single Object Width |
The width of the object measured where it was hit. |
Skid Control |
Time for last road salting or sanding (or other friction support). |
Skid Control Status |
Status of sand or salt used on the accident road. |
Slope Gradient [%] |
The gradient describes how steep the slope is. [%] |
Slope Length |
The width of the near side slope. |
Snow Clearance Date |
Date of last snow clearance. |
Snow Clearance Status |
State whether the snow on the road been cleared. |
Snow Depth |
Snow depth measurement. |
Special Lane Type |
A lane which is dedicated for a special type of traffic (i.e. a dedicated bus lane). |
Specific Equipment on the Road |
Equipment presence on road. |
Speed at Accident Time |
Accident vehicle speeds [km/h]. |
Speed Limit at Accident Time |
Posted speed limit at accident time and site [km/h]. |
Support Strip Material Stiffness |
The stiffened of the material in the support strip. |
Support Strip Width |
The width of the support strip at the reference point. |
Track Depth |
Unevenness of the road surface crossways of the roadway [mm]. |
Track Depth According to Inspector |
Unevenness of the road surface crossways of the roadway [mm] according to inspector. |
Traffic Control Plan |
Maintenance/construction zone traffic control plan. |
Traffic Flow at Accident Time - Level of Confidence |
Car traffic confidence level for the measurements at accident time. |
Traffic Flow when Measured (Day) |
Daytime car traffic flow when the average speed was measured. |
Traffic Flow when Measured (Night) |
Nighttime Car traffic flow when the average speed was measured. |
Traffic Light Function |
Function of the light signalling system. |
Traffic Light Type |
Type of traffic light signal. |
Traffic Regulation |
Relevant existing traffic regulation. |
Type of Additional Speed Limit |
Temporary speed limit change. |
Vertical Geometry at Locus |
Locus vertical geometry. |
Vertical Geometry Before Locus |
Pre-locus vertical geometry. |
Vertical Geometry Beyond Locus |
Post-locus vertical geometry. |
Vulnerable Road User Active |
Vulnerable Road User accident involvement. |
Vulnerable Road User Facilities |
VRU infrastructure (e.g. separated bike path, wide shoulder, etc.) |